Monday, July 6, 2009

New York

New York was such a blast! We did a lot of fun stuff. We walked through Central Park and we went to the Met. We went to the top of the Empire State Building. Now that was a little nerve racking especially the forever long elevator ride but the view was worth it. Our Hotel was two blocks away from Times Square so thats where we were every night. We rode the ferris wheel inside of Toys R Us. Yep thats right the ferris wheel is inside. We did a lot of shopping my favorite store there is H&M it is the best. We also did a lot of street shopping. We ate a lot of New York pizza and a lot of hot dogs. But our favorite was the ice cream trucks that they have there. It is called Mr. Creamy and it is by far the best ice cream ever! So Yummy. Another favorite was Dunkin Donuts. The last three days we went to up state New York and visited my dad's family that was fun as well. Up state New York is so pretty. We love New York it is defiantly one of our favorites. We can not wait to go back.


Scadden Family said...

Looks like you guys had fun! Cute pics!