Friday, July 24, 2009

American Fork Steel Days

Steel Days was fun. We go every year. We love to get their fries mmmmmm and their corn dogs. They are so yummy. But this year didn't end up like that we were going to but we ended up leaving early because Aaron and I got incredibly sick on the "Ring of Fire" I honestly don't know what it was I am usually good on rides but I guess we are just getting old. Needless to say that was a down fall but everything else was fun.
Aaron and I on the Ferris Wheel

Looking down at Austin, Ashlee and Courtney

On the big slide.

Still Sliding. . .

Finally to the bottom


Mindy Thomas said...

FUN!!! That is one of the only things we haven't done yet this summer. We were going to go to Spanish Fork's oh well maybe next year.