Monday, May 18, 2009


Aaron and I went to Moab for 6 days with Ashlee and Jason and his family. It was way fun! Aaron and I had never gone on a vacation together so this was our first. We love Moab now it is so beautiful. We took a ton of pictures. Aaron and I did not sleep in a tent we slept in the back of his Durango, I was to scared to sleep in a tent. We went to alot of different places. We also hiked alot and road the 4 wheeler alot. Aaron also became the "Lizard Guy" he caught so many, I am surprised we didn't end up taking one home.


Mindy Thomas said...

Way cool pictures you guys. Looks like so much fun. I haven't been to Moab....I don't think.

Scadden Family said...

It was so much fun. You guys got so tan! Hopefully you will come with us again. We will take the Samurai and show you the real side of Moab!

Mindy Thomas said...

Why weren't you there? I thought you guys had something.